Thursday, June 10, 2010

Winnie the Pooh Meets the Fox and the Hound v.2

It was a normal day and once again Pooh and his friends were once again putting on a show.
"It's nice to have you on our show again, Tiana." said Pooh.
Tiana replied, "No problem. But, what's going on?"
"Don't worry. You'll find out." said Pooh.
As the Imagination Institute theme played, James did the opening speech. "Welcome to our open house. On this day, we retell our greatest adventures yet. And this one is a true adventure. This story is about two friends who didn't know that they were meant to be enemies. I give you Christopher Robin, who will explain more about this fantastic journey." said James.  
"And now we begin our play, which we call 'Winnie the Pooh meets the Fox and the Hound.' " said Christopher Robin. He then said, "Act 1: Our story begins."
This is how the story goes.
It was a normal day and Pooh and his friends were up in a tree. They heard dogs barking. Suddenly a fox ran by their tree. James, a frog, went after the mother fox. She let her baby go and continued on. James followed her. Soon, Pooh and the gang heard a loud gunshot go off. They gasped in horror as soon as they heard the gunshot. Soon they were relieved when James came around the bushes.
"Mother Fox, I think we lost them, so it looks like we're safe now." said James.
"Thank you." said Mother Fox.
"You're baby is over there, near the fence." said James.
"Oh my, I think he's scared." said Piglet.
"We have to find someone who can watch you both. It's dangerous out in the forest." said Pooh.
James thought for a minute, and suddenly had an idea. He said,"I know of a widow who is very nice. She can watch you both."
So they arranged for them to be found by her. She found them and named the young fox Todd. Soon Amos Slade, a devious hunter came home. He had an aged hunting dog named Chief. He also had some other friends. They were known as Brer Fox and Brer Bear. They had helped him hunt in the forest for many years. Today, he brought home a bloodhound which he named Copper. Todd and Copper became good friends. One thing is that they didn't know that they were meant to be enemies. Todd introduced his new friends. Copper said that he was very depressed. They started playing, but Copper warned Todd about Chief.
When the others saw him, they screamed. "Be quiet, or you're gonna wake him up." said Copper.
Pooh said, "Oh, sorry Copper. It's just that we don't like bad dogs."  
That same day, Todd accidentally woke up Chief. Just as soon as Todd came out of Chief's barrel, Tigger grabbed the rope that Chief was attached to and said, "Hold it! Aha! Now I've got ya!"
"Uh, guys?" asked James.
Pooh and the others asked,"What?"
"Uh, we're going to get caught in the barrel."
"Run, Todd! Run!" shouted Copper.
Pooh and his friends got caught in the barrel and they were dragged behind Chief.
"Mother Fox, help!" shouted James.
"I'm coming, guys!" shouted Mother Fox.
Todd entered the chicken coop and all of Amos's chickens came  out of the pen. Mother Fox joined her son in the chase.
Brer Fox woke up and asked, "What's going on here?!" He saw Pooh and friends in Chief's barrel and Todd and Mother Fox being chased by Chief and said, "It's Pooh and company and Todd and Mother Fox. Get them!"
"How do you stop this thing?!" asked Tiana.
"Just hang on!" said James.
The barrel landed in the river and Tigger shouted  "Help! We're sinking! Abandon ship! Tiggers first."
They bailed out of the barrel just before Chief landed in the water. They all came out spitting out water.
"Quick, follow the car." said James.
"Run, run! We gotta run!" screamed Rabbit.
They followed Widow Tweed's car and hopped into the back area. Amos followed them in his car. Widow Tweed stopped and Amos stopped as well. The widow was really steamed! She shot the radiator of Amos's car with Amos's gun.
"Your foxes and those critters of yours were after my chickens!" yelled Amos.
James said, "That's the most absurd, ridiculous, nonsensical thing that I have ever heard. Besides, look at them. They wouldn't harm anything. He accidentally woke up Chief. Amos Slade, your temper is going get you into big trouble for sure."
He said that he'll kill Todd and Mother Fox if they came near his property again.

For the winter, he took his friends to the hunting grounds up in the mountains. Todd was shocked when James said that his friend was meant to be a hunting dog. They showed him the animal furs.
"I never thought that I would show you this, but, I had no choice but to do so." said James.  
Just as they were going back home, Tigger saw something. "Look, there's a scarecrow by the fence." said Tigger.
"No, Tigger, it's actually a tar baby." said James  
"I think that Brer Fox and Brer Bear made this tar baby." said Tigger.
"Come on, let's just go home." said James. While up in the mountains, Copper had become a smart hunting dog.

Meanwhile, back at the house, it was spring again and Todd was much more mature.
When they returned, Todd accidentally woke up Chief again. Pooh and the gang ran for their lives. Copper created a diversion. Chief and Brer Bear saw Todd and his friends running along the railroad tracks. They chased them. A train came roaring down the tracks. Brer Bear and Chief tried to jump out of the way while Todd, Mother Fox, and Pooh and company easily ducked while the train passed over them. Brer Bear and Chief were hit by the train. Soon, Amos came to their home swore that he would have vengeance.
"Vengeance will not solve this problem, Amos! Rambling about it will not solve either." James shouted back.
Soon the widow took Todd  to the game preserve.
Pooh and the gang watched without being noticed by Todd and "He's miserable." said Tigger.
They went home to find that James, Tiana, and Naveen were in Amos's cabin. They saw him demonstrate how a hunting trap would help them catch Todd.   
"No trap will be set off on my watch." said James.
They planned to disable the trap when they were using it in the reserve. They went home to get their gear to go on an expedition in the game preserve.
The next morning, Pooh and the gang went into the forest.
"Commence Operation: Fox Hunt." said James.
They looked under every bush, every tree, and even in every burrow. After several hours, they found nothing. Soon they found a fox. But it wasn't the fox they were looking for. It was a vixen named Vixey.
"Well, how you do!" greeted Tigger.
"Hello there." greeted James.
"What brings all of you way out here?" asked Vixey.
"We're looking for another fox named Todd." replied Rabbit.
"That's right. He's new out here." said James.
"Well, I'm not doing anything, so I would like to come along." said Vixey.
James said,"Well, come on quadruped, let's get going."
"Wait for us, James." said Rabbit.
"Yeah, you don't know the way." said Tigger.
Mother Fox and the others followed closely behind. Soon they found Todd.
"He seems so downhearted, James." said Vixey.
"You can't blame him, friend. He was left out here all alone without a friend in this forest." said James.
"Maybe I could cheer up Todd?" suggested Piglet.
"I doubt it. It would probably make him feel worse." said Eeyore.
Vixey said,"Well maybe there's something I could do."
"Vixey, you just gave me a bright idea!"
"But guys, I don't-" Vixey began,
but James said,"Quadruped, don't move. You'll look beautiful!"
He approached Todd and said,"Morning, Todd!"
"Yes, good morning, Todd!" said Pooh.
"Oh. Hello everyone." said Todd sadly.
"Last night was pretty miserable for you, eh quadruped?" asked James.
"Cheer up, and look around. The forest is beautiful this morning." said James.
Pooh said,"Yes. It is a beautiful morning Todd."
Todd replied,"After last night, nothing looks beautiful."
"We know what you mean." said Eeyore.
"Oh, I hope this plan really works!" said a nervous Rabbit.
Todd saw Vixey and asked, "Who is that?"
James replied,"That's just another fox. A lady fox, or, technically speaking, a vixen, as humans call female foxes."
"I wonder what her name is." said Todd.
Tigger suggested,"Well, why don't you ask her?"
So he did. They introduced each other. Soon Vixey asked Todd to try and catch a fish. He attempted to do so, but only caught a stick. Pooh, James, the frogs, Piglet, Tigger, Mother Fox, and even Eeyore laughed until they couldn't stand up anymore. Todd shouted angrily to Vixey. Pooh said,"Oh, bother. It doesn't look like they're getting along now."
"Wait. I happen to know a song that can get them to start a romantic relationship." said James.
"Will it work?" asked Tigger.
"As long as there is someone to perform it." replied James.  
"There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of every day. There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, and tomorrow is just a dream away. Man has a dream, and that's the start. He follows his dream, with mind and heart. And when it becomes a reality, it's a dream come true, for you and me. So there's a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of every day. There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, just a dream away."
As they performed the song, the foxes also sung.
"You are really good singers." said James.
"I think we should stay and keep an eye on Todd and Vixey." said Tigger.
"What are you doing?" asked Todd.
"I'm hitching you up to the wagon." said James.
"Now let's head over to the burrow for a good night's sleep." said Pooh.
Todd and Vixey pulled the wagon to the burrow. Pooh and the gang set up camp outside the burrow.
Rabbit asked,"Where is Mother Fox?"
When he saw something moving in his sleeping bag, he screamed and said, "She's in my sleeping bag!"
Mother Fox came out and went into the burrow. While James and the frogs were guarding the camp, Amos, Brer Fox, Brer Bear, and Copper infiltrated the preserve. The next morning, the three foxes about to go out for a walk when they were greeted by Pooh and the gang. "Good morning, quadrupeds!" said James.
"Hey guys. What are all of you doing out here?"said Todd.
"We're coming to watch you." said Rabbit.
"Say, would you like to go for a walk with us?" asked Todd.
"Sure, we would enjoy coming with you guys." said Tiana.
"Thanks, guys." said Todd. They soon set off for a walk through the peaceful game preserve.
The foxes soon set off the traps, which the frogs had forgotten to disable.
"I'm sorry, but you leave me no choice but to do this." said James.
"Run, run! We gotta run!" cried Rabbit.
The foxes, including Mother Fox, ran for the fox den.
James attempted to stop Copper by shooting him with tranquilizer darts. It temporarily gave them enough time to run for the burrow. Once they had gotten to the burrow, Copper attacked. James darted him again, and the all went out the other door. barely missing the bullet fired by Amos. They went for the falls. By the time they got there, the hunters had already started climbing the rocks when, a bear emerged. Piglet went to hide under his bed.
"But Piglet, we have to stop that bear from killing Copper." said Tigger.
"Why?" asked Piglet.
"If we don't take action, Copper will get killed." said Rabbit.
"But I can't do this." said Piglet.
"But Piglet, what about the play?" asked Rabbit.
"Is there anything in the play about when Todd, Vixey, Mother Fox, and the others prevent the bear from killing Copper?" asked Piglet.
"As a matter of fact, there is." said Christopher Robin.
"Well, if you're sure, Ok." said Piglet.
Just as the bear was about to strike Copper, Todd and the others lunged at the bear, yelling, "Charge!" "Grab hold, guys." said James. They pulled and pulled, but nothing seemed to bring the creature down. Soon they went for the log near the falls. As soon as the bear struck the log, the gang all fell down to the bottom of the falls. The bear fell roaring to his doom. Todd, Vixey, and Mother Fox emerged wounded. Amos appeared, with his rifle ready. Copper stood within Amos's line of fire.
"You know Copper, you certainly are a friend." said Pooh.
"Thanks, Pooh bear." said Copper.
"So long, quadruped." said James.
Rabbit said, "Come on. Let's help the foxes get on their feet."  Tigger replied,
"We're right behind ya!"
"I think that we should bring them home with us. Our new friends need a home since they have lost their home." said Tigger.
Since their original burrow was destroyed, the foxes decided to come with Pooh and the  gang. Once they had arrived in the Hundred Acre Wood, the foxes helped the frogs dig a new burrow. The doors were larger than the original doors, so that anyone can enter the burrow. "Welcome home, foxes!" said James.
Once it was complete, the frogs set up their base of operations in the foxes' burrow. The foxes decided to live with their new friends in the Hundred Acre Wood.
James said, "You are now honorary team members. Welcome to the team."
Still, there were many new things to discover in the Hundred Acre Wood and beyond the forest. And there were still other dangers in the forest, including some old foes.

A few weeks later, the foxes had a family. There were about 6 young in total.
"Technically speaking, that's the maximum number of young that a vixen can give birth to." said James.

The play ended with Owl and Gopher singing about the next story that would debut next time they made a play.
After the curtain closed, a lot of noise was heard.
Vixey shouted, "Stop stepping on my tail!"
"Sorry, I didn't know that you were standing there." said Pooh.
"Okay, people let's go home. We've had a long day of preparing. Thanks for being in our show, Todd." said James.
"Don't mention it. We foxes can be in any of your plays." said Todd.
"Copper, I also want to thank you for being in our show." said James.
"No problem. I enjoy being in your shows." said Copper.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Winnie the Pooh Meets the Fox and the Hound

It was a normal day and Pooh and his friends were up in a tree. Suddenly, they heard dogs barking. Suddenly a fox ran by their tree. James, a frog went after the mother fox. She let her baby go and continued on. James followed her. Soon, Pooh and the gang heard a loud gunshot go off. They gasped in horror as soon as they heard the gunshot. Soon they were relieved when James came around the bushes.
"Mother Fox, I think we lost them, so it looks like we're safe now." said James.
"Thank you." said Mother Fox.
"You're baby is over there." said James.
"Oh my, I think he's scared." said Piglet.
"We have to find someone who can watch you both. It's dangerous out in the forest." said Pooh. James thought for a minute, and suddenly had an idea. He said,"I know of a widow who is very nice. She can watch you both. So the arranged for them to be found by her. She found them and named the young fox Todd. Soon Amos Slade, a devious hunter came home. He had an aged hunting dog named Chief. He also had some other friends. They were known as Brer Fox and Brer Bear. They had helped him hunt in the forest for many years.
Today, he brought home a bloodhound which he named Copper. Todd and Copper became good friends. One thing is that they didn't know that they were meant to be enemies. The following day, Todd accidentally woke up Chief.

Just as soon as Todd came out of Chief's barrel, Tigger grabbed the rope that Chief was attached to and said, "Hold it! Aha! Now I've got ya!"
"Uh, guys?" asked James.
Pooh and the others asked,"What?"
"Uh, we're going to get caught in the barrel."
"Run, Todd! Run!" shouted Copper.
Pooh and his friends got caught in the barrel and they were dragged behind Chief.
"Mother Fox, help!" shouted James.
"I'm coming, guys!" shouted Mother Fox.
Todd entered the chicken coop and all of Amos's chickens came out of the pen.
Brer Fox woke up and asked, "What's going on here?!" He saw Pooh and friends in Chief's barrel and Todd and Mother Fox being chased by Chief and said, "It's Pooh and company and Todd and Mother Fox. Get them!"
"How do you stop this thing?" asked Tiana.
The barrel landed in the river and Tigger said, "Help! We're sinking! Abandon ship! Tiggers first."
They bailed out of the barrel just before Chief landed in the water. They followed Widow Tweed's car and hopped into the back area. Amos followed them in his car. Widow Tweed stopped and Amos stopped as well. The widow was really steamed! She shot the radiator of Amos's car with Amos's gun.
"Your foxes and those critters of yours were after my chickens!" yelled Amos.
James said, "That's the most absurd, ridiculous, nonsensical thing that I have ever heard. Besides, look at them. They wouldn't harm anything. He accidentally woke up Chief.
"Amos Slade, your temper is going get you into big trouble for sure."
He said that he'll kill Todd and Mother Fox if they came near his property again. For the winter, he took his friends to the hunting grounds up in the mountains. Todd was shocked when James said that his friend was meant to be a hunting dog. When they returned, Todd accidentally woke up Chief again. Pooh and the gang ran for their lives. Copper created a diversion. Chief and Brer Bear saw Todd and his friends running along the railroad tracks. They chased them. A train came roaring down the tracks. Brer Bear and Chief tried to jump out of the way while Todd, Mother Fox, and Pooh and company easily ducked while the train passed over them. Brer Bear and Chief were hit by the train. Soon, Amos came to their home swore that he would have vengeance.
"Vengeance will not solve this problem, Amos!"
"Rambling about it will not solve either." James shouted back.
Soon the widow took Todd to the game preserve. Pooh and the gang watched without being noticed by Todd and
"He's miserable." said Tigger.
They went home to find that James, Tiana, and Naveen were in Amos's cabin. They saw him demonstrate how a hunting trap would help them catch Todd and Mother Fox.
"Oh no. He's gonna use the trap to catch Todd. We have to sabotage the trap."
They planned to disable the trap when they were using it in the reserve. They went home to get their gear to go on an expedition in the game preserve. The next morning, Pooh and the gang went into the forest.
"Commence Operation: Fox Hunt." said James.
They looked under every bush, every tree, and even every burrow. After several hours, they found nothing. Soon they found a fox. But it wasn't the fox they were looking for. It was a vixen named Vixey.
"Well, how you do!" greeted Tigger.
"Greetings, quadruped!" greeted James.
"What brings all of you way out here?" asked Vixey.
"We're looking for another fox named Todd." replied Rabbit.
"Well, I'm not doing anything, so I would like to come along." said Vixey.
James said,"Well, come on, quadruped, let's get going." said James.
"Wait for us, James." said Rabbit.
"Yeah, you don't know the way." said Tigger.
Mother Fox and the others followed closely behind. Soon they found Todd.
"He seems so downhearted, James." said Vixey.
"You can't blame him, quadruped. He was left out here all alone without a friend in this forest."said James.
"Maybe I could cheer up Todd?" suggested Piglet.
"I doubt it. It would probably make him feel worse." said Eeyore.
Vixey said,"Well maybe there's something I could do." "Vixey, you just gave me a bright idea!" "But guys, I don't-" Vixey began, but James said,"Quadruped, don't move. You'll look beautiful!" He approached Todd and said,"Morning, Todd!"
"Yes, good morning, Todd!" said Pooh.
"Oh. Hello everyone." said Todd sadly.
"Last night was pretty miserable for you, eh quadruped?" asked James.
"Cheer up, and look around. The forest is beautiful this morning." said James.
Pooh said,"Yes. It is a beautiful morning Todd." Todd replied,"After last night, nothing looks beautiful."
"We know what you mean." said Eeyore.
He saw Vixey and asked, "Who is that?"
James replied,"That's just another fox. A lady fox, or, technically speaking, a vixen, as humans call female foxes."
"I wonder what her name is." said Todd.
Tigger suggested,"Well, why don't you ask her?"
So he did. They introduced each other. Soon Vixey asked Todd to try and catch a fish. He attempted to do so, but only caught a stick. Pooh, James, the frogs, Piglet, Tigger, Mother Fox, and even Eeyore laughed until they couldn't stand up anymore. Todd shouted angrily to Vixey. Pooh said,"Oh, bother. It doesn't look like they're getting along now."
"Wait. I happen to know a song that can get them to start a romantic relationship." said James. "Will it work?" asked Tigger.
"As long as there is someone to perform it. "There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of every day. There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, and tomorrow is just a dream away. Man has a dream, and that's the start. He follows his dream, with mind and heart. And when it becomes a reality, it's a dream come true, for you and me. So there's a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of every day. There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, just a dream away." "I'm not gonna cry. I'm not gonna cry." said James.
"I think we should stay and keep an eye on Todd and Vixey." said Tigger.
"What are you doing?" asked Todd.
"I'm hitching you up to the wagon." said James.
"Now let's head over to the burrow for a good night's sleep." said Pooh.
Todd and Vixey pulled the wagon to the burrow. Pooh and the gang set up camp outside the burrow.
Rabbit asked,"Where is Mother Fox? When he saw something moving in his sleeping bag, he screamed and said,"She's in my sleeping bag!" Mother Fox came out and went into the burrow. While James and the frogs were guarding the camp, Amos, Brer Fox, Brer Bear, and Copper infiltrated the preserve. The next morning, the three foxes about to go out for a walk when they were greeted by Pooh and the gang.
"Greetings, quadrupeds!" said James.
"Hey guys. What are all of you doing out here?"said Todd.
"We're coming to watch you." said Rabbit.
"Say, would you like to go for a walk with us?" asked Todd.
"Sure, we would enjoy coming with you guys." said Tiana.
"Thanks, guys." said Todd.
They soon set off for a walk through the peaceful game preserve. The foxes soon set off the traps, which the frogs had forgotten to disable.
"Quick, run! We gotta run!" cried Rabbit.
The foxes, including Mother Fox, ran for the fox den. James attempted to stop Copper by shooting him with tranquilizer darts. It temporarily gave them enough time to run for the burrow. Once they had gotten to the burrow, Copper attacked. James darted him again, and the all went out the other hole, barely missing the bullet shot by Amos. They went for the falls. By the time they got there, the hunters had already started climbing the rocks when, a bear emerged. Piglet went to hide under his bed.
"But Piglet, we have to stop that bear from killing Copper." said Tigger.
"Why?" asked Piglet.
"If we don't take action, Copper will get killed." said Rabbit.
"But I can't do this." said Piglet.
"But Piglet, what about the play?" asked Rabbit.
"Is there anything in the play about when Todd, Vixey, Mother Fox, and the others prevent the bear from killing Copper?" asked Piglet.
"As a matter of fact, there is." said Christopher Robin.
"Well, if you're sure, Ok." said Piglet.
Just as the bear was about to strike Copper, Todd and the others lunged at the bear, yelling,"Charge!" They pulled and pulled, but nothing seemed to bring the creature down. Soon they went for the log near the falls. As soon as the bear struck the log, the gang all fell down to the bottom of the falls. The bear fell roaring to his doom. Todd, Vixey, and Mother Fox emerged wounded. Amos appeared. Copper stood within Amos's line of fire.

The Princess and the Frog featuring the Penguins of Madagascar

Scene 7:
Mardi Gras/the end of Dr. Facilier

"Commence Operation: Wedding Crashers." said Skipper.
The team snuck onto the wedding float and watched what happened. When they went behind the "prince", they listened to his voice.
James said,"Listen. That voice does not sound like the prince we know. It's an impostor." Kowalski said,"Skipper. Over here."
Naveen said,"You have to get me out of this box."
"Rico,we'll need a lock pick."said Skipper.
Rico regurgitated a paperclip which he shaped into a key and picked the lock.
Tiana said,"Get the talisman. It's causing Lawrence to look like the prince."
They managed to pull him off the float. Lawrence then went into the cathedral. They managed to remove the talisman from him. Tiana took the talisman.
In the cemetery, Dr. Facilier said that he can make her dream a reality if she hands over the talisman. She rejected his offer.
"Now will spend the rest of your life as a slimy, little frog." he said.
James said, "I have a few words for you, Facilier. It's not slime. It's mucus!"
The talisman was smashed and the masks and dolls were out of control. The mad magician was trapped in a tombstone for eternity. His name and his horrified face were on the stone. As they stared at the stone, Facilier's horrified scream echoed throughout. the cemetery. They returned to the cathedral and helped the police arrest Lawrence. Lawrence was charged with impersonation. There Tiana explained that she loved Naveen. Kowalski was overwhelmed with happiness.

"I need a minute." he said amongst his tears.
Charlotte agreed to kiss the frog prince to restore their human state. But then clock struck midnight, and they failed.

The Princess and The Frog remake

Scene 6:
Death of Ray

Louis ran toward the team. He was carrying Ray.
James asked,"Kowalski,what's his condition?"
Kowalski answered,"His condition is critical. There is nothing that I can do to save him."
The team watched as Ray's light went out for the final time. A large funeral was held. Skipper did the memorial service speech which they dedicated in his honor. They looked up to see the Evening Star. Next to it was a new star which no one had seen. Ray had taken the form of a star. James said,"Ray,you sacrificed your life to be united with the light of your life."

The Princess and the Frog featuring the Penguins of Madagascar

Scene 5:
Meet Ray the Firefly

"Stop! You are making me hungry."said Naveen.
Some bugs passed him and his tongue snapped out at them.
Kowalski said,"It appears that the frog's instincts are causing your tongue snap out at the insects."
Naveen said,"I did not understand that at all."
Kowalski then said,"Frogs have a natural need to feed on insects."
Suddenly,a large fly passed Tiana. Her tongue automatically snapped out at it.
She said,"There is no way I am kissing a frog and eating a bug on the same day."
Kowalski said,"Technically speaking,you kissed a frog yesterday."
He earned a mean glare from the she-frog.
Skipper said,"Don't give him that look,amphibian."
Suddenly, Tiana and Naveen's tongues caught each other and reeled each other together in a forced kiss.
"Hey fellas. Have you gotten anything to eat? Because I-Skipper, I don't feel comfortable watching this." said a shocked Private.
Suddenly the fly spoke. It turned out that it was a firefly; he untangled the two frogs. He introduced himself as Ray. His full name was Raymond the firefly, but the team referred to him as Ray.

The Princess and the Frog featuring the Penguins of Madagascar

Scene 4 :
Tiana's Palace

The day after the official royal wedding of Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen, Tiana bought the old sugar mill.
"All right, troops. If were going to build this restaurant, it will acquire a lot of work. Rico, we're going to need some tools." said Skipper.
Rico instantly regurgitated the tools they needed.
"Operation: Tiana's Palace starts now." said Sergeant James.
The team worked around the clock in the old mill.
Hammers echoed throughout the building. The team used tools from blowtorches to saws and rivet guns and drills. The team had completed construction after months of working. Tiana wore her bayou wedding outfit for the dedication ceremony on the opening day. Soon it was time for the team to part ways.
Tiana said,"There is an opening for help in my new restaurant."
The team accepted her offer. They used their jet as a mobile base. During the opening night Charlotte danced with a young man dressed in full royal uniform. This person was the prince's 6-year old brother. The strike force team number had went from 5 to 7. The team trained on the roof each morning. The prince and princess still had a special way of turning back into frogs.

The Princess and the Frog featuring the Penguins of Madagascar

Scene 3:
Meet Louis the Gator

When the team woke up, they found that Tiana was missing. They went outside to find her building a raft. They tied they jet to the raft. They then woke up Naveen and got underway. But the lazy prince only strummed his makeshift ukulele while the rest of the team worked. Suddenly, a large gator emerged.
As he emerged, James said,"Weapons ready!"
The gator said,"I know that tune!"
"Stand down, men" said Skipper.
The gator then introduced himself as Louis.
"I would give anything to play in a real jazz band."
James asked,"Why don't you try to do it?"
Louis said,"I tried once, but it didn't end well."

The Princess and The Frog featuring the Penguins of Madagascar

Scene 2 :
Bayou Wedding

The animals of the bayou gathered underneath a canopy of Spanish moss to celebrate the wedding of Tiana and Naveen. S James presided over the ceremony from an area in front of Tiana and Naveen. The penguins had the jet ready and refueled.
"I pronounce you frog and wife." said James.
Naveen kissed Tiama and POOF! Their human state was restored!
Kowalski asked,"What happen- ooh."
James said," Hang on. You're human state is restored!"
Naveen said, "Once you became my wife, that made you-"
"A princess! You just kissed yourself a princess!" finished Tiana.
"And I'm about to do it again!"said Naveen.
The animals of the bayou joined together in song.
"Imagination, imagination. A dream can be a dream come true with just that spark , in me and you. Imagination imagination. A dream can be a dream come true with just that spark in me and you. One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation. Right at the start of everything that's new, one little spark lights up for you. One little spark, one flight of fancy, shines up the dark,so that we can see, when things look grim, and nothing's going right,one little spark clicks on the light. For every sound, your ears are hearing, a thousand thoughts,can start appearing, and each of us imagines different things. From just a sound,your mind has wings. One spark of light,can light your fancy. Your mind sees more,than what your eyes see. Your sense of sight can make your fancy fly. There's more to sight than meets the eye. One awful whiff can send you reeling. One lovely scent can be appealing. Your life defines what enters through your nose. That's how you tell a skunk is not a rose. We all have sparks. Imagination. That's how our minds create creations. We set them free and know what they can do. Those magic sparks in me and you. We all have sparks, imagination. That's how our minds create creations. Oh they can make our wildest dreams come true. Those little sparks, in me and you."
"Up high, boys." said Skipper.
The team gave high fives amongst themselves. The team boarded the plane. and returned to the city. While onboard, the team awarded their new allies.
"For your valiant efforts, we'd like to thank you. That makes you honorary team members. Welcome to our strike force."
The prince and princess became the frog division of the penguins of madagascar, which became known as Team Frog. The penguins division was known as Team Penguin.

The Princess and the Frog featuring the Penguins of Madagascar

Scene 1:
The team flies over the bayou in the jet after escaping from the Labouff Estate.

Tiana asks Naveen about Dr. Facilier.
Naveen replies," He was very charismatic."
Tiana says," It serves me right for wishing on stars! The only way to get what you want in this world is through hard work."
"Hard work? Why would a princess need to work hard?" asked Naveen.
James said,"She's not a princess, she's a waitress."
"A waitress?!" asked a surprised prince. "Well no wonder the kiss did not work! You lied to me!"
Tiana said,"I never said that I was a princess."
Naveen answered,"You never said that you were a lowly waitress! You were wearing a crown!"
"It was a costume party, you spoiled little rich boy!"
"Well, the egg is on your face because he doesn't have any riches!" said James.
"What?" asked Tiana.
"He's right. I am completely broke."said Naveen.
Kowalski replied,"We're out of fuel."
The plane crashed in the water.
"You said you were fabulously wealthy!"said Tiana.
Naveen replied," My parents are fabulously wealthy. But they cut me off for being a- leech!"
"You're broke? And you had the gall to call me a liar?"asked Tiana.
"People, can we argue somewhere else? It's not really safe here in the water." said James.
Suddenly, a large fish jumped out of the water.
Naveen said," It was not a lie. I fully intend to-"
Suddenly the team saw a large heron swoop out of the air.
"Run!" said Tiana.
Naveen continued,"I fully intend to be rich again! Once I marry Miss Charlotte Labouff. If she will have me.
Tiana asked,"You're a prince?"
Naveen replied "Obviously!"
Tiana said, "She'll have you. But once you two are married, you are gonna keep the promise of getting my restaurant?"
Naveen replied, "That was a promise I made to a beautiful princess not a cranky w- why are those logs moving?"
Tiana said,"Those aren't logs."
"Come on!" said James.
James then said,"Let's return to the plane before we get eaten! Go,go,go!"
Once they were inside,Sergeant James said," Good thing you installed those bunk beds,eh Kowalski?
Kowalski replied,"Yes, but we have to stay here until the gators leave."
"We may have to use the plane as our base." said James.
As the team waited they slept in the bunk beds.