Saturday, August 14, 2010

Concrete Jungle Survival

"Oh, that one's classic." "Skipper, what are you laughing at?" "Oh, I'm just laughing at a joke in the mission file, Dumbo." "Can I see it?" "That's classified." "What's classified?" " Whoo, that's classic!" "Yeah, that joke never got old." "How come Kowalski can see it?" "He's got top secret clearance." "We can't show it to just anybody. Guys, you've gotta see this!" "Ahahahahahaha! Oh, yeah! That's classic!" "To get your top secret clearance, you have to face to greatest enemy known to animals." "Exactly, Odette. Once you defeat this enemy, you'll be promoted and become first class pilot." "Alright, Dumbo. It's time for you to face the scourge of all animals." "What you're up against is a demonic machine on wheels. A bus called the Graveyard Eight. The name came from the liscence plate of the bus. Now get out there and stop that bus." After a while, he stopped the Graveyard Eight once and for all. "Congratulations, Dumbo, you've been promoted to pilot," Dumbo stared at Skipper with a confused look. "1st class. Enjoy your top secret clearance."

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