Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dr. Blowhole's Revenge

It was a quiet morning before opening time at Tiana's Palace. The penguins of Madagascar were talking to Tiana and Naveen, their newest strike force members, about their nemesis, the diabolical Dr. Blowhole. Tiana and Naveen dismissed their stories as fantasies. King Julien said that he could be a spy.
"You, Ringtail? Facing the likes of Dr. Blowhole? He's pure evil with skin that's suprisingly pleasant to the touch. You wouldn't last a microsecond." said Skipper.
Private looked at the clock and said,"Oh,dear. We're open!"
Everyone went back to their positions. The people of New Orleans poured through the doors.
Skipper said, "Just smile and wave,boys."
They returned to the jet to find Dr. Blowhole on their videophone.
He said,"I have been spying on you for months with state of the art looky loo technology."
Dr. Blowhole said,"I have captured your newest allies. Look at them. Obvious T.L.F."
James said,"Kowalski, decode."
Kowalski's interpretation of the code was true love forever.
James said,"You're hopping mad!"
The devious Dr. Blowhole challenged the team to battle. They returned to the restaurant to find some magic dust.
Kowalski said,"Dr. Blowhole used Dr. Facilier's magic to turn Tiana and Naveen into frogs."
"Frogs, again?"
Kowalski ran a trace and traced the powder's origin to the wedding bayou. They took their jet and landed at the wedding bayou. They found an entrance to Dr. Blowhole's bayou base. They found Tiana and Naveen in a cage. When they got the two frogs out of the cage,they heard a familiar voice.
"Hello,slaphappy penguins!" the voice called out.
Suddenly, the team was captured.
"I suppose you haven't met my partner in crime." said Dr. Blowhole.
He explained that his plan was to activate the ring of fire which he had built in the Frozen North. Mort arrived unannounced and set the penguins and frogs free.
Dr. Blowhole said,"Lobsters, attack!"
Once Blowhole activated the ring of fire,Skipper and his team of penguins and frogs battled the ninja lobsters. Julien deactivated the ring of fire.
Skipper said,"Way to go, Ringtail. They took off in the jet just as soon as the base blew up. Tiana said that they would permanently stay as frogs. James suggested wearing her bayou wedding veil as a symbol of her position as princess. Tiana apologized for not believing in Dr. Blowhole. James decided to lead Team Frog. They had a royal crowning ceremony. They crowned Tiana with the veil which she had worn during the wedding in the bayou.

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