Sunday, February 6, 2011

New Friends

Chapter 1: A Hike in the Park

One day in Jasper Park, Canada, James was on a vacation with Simba, Nala, Timon, Pumbaa, Tantor, Terk, King Julien, Maurice, Mort, Louis, Genie, and Sebastian. Right now, they were strolling through the wilderness and watching animals. They watched the birds and caribou. "Be careful, guys. There are wolves out here. I don't know if they'll be friendly to us." said James. Nala replied, "You got it, James." After while if walking through the park, they came across a pack of wolves on a hunt. Simba said, "Looks like they're in trouble! Let's help them!" Tantor said, "Let's go!" "Jungle Adventure Crew to the rescue!" said James. "I like rescues." said Mort. The crew lunged at the caribou and helped the wolves succeed at their hunt. During the rescue, the Jungle Adventurers were knocked out. The wolves carried them back to the dens.

Chapter 2: Waking Up

A few hours later, James woke up in a cave. He looked around to find himself sitting next to 4 wolves. One was gray with black hair while another was tan-furred with brunette hair. James could tell that the one with the brunette hair was a female while the one with black hair was a male. Another wolf had fur that was completely white. James knew that this one was female too. Next to that wolf was a red-furred wolf who looked tall and strong. James could tell that this one was another male. All of them were staring at him. The red-furred wolf said, "So you're a human?" James stumbled backwards. The wolf actually talked! The tan-furred wolf said to James in a sweet, soothing voice, "It's okay. We won't hurt you." The white wolf said also using a soothing voice, "My sister's right. We mean not harm." The gray wolf said, "Don't worry. I'll go find your friends." The wolf left to find Simba and the others. James looked at his body and found that he had a lot of cuts and bruises from the stampede. The female wolves began cleaning the cuts by licking them. The licking felt soft, warm, and soothing, just like their voices. "Thank you." James said The tan-furred wolf replied, "You're welcome." The wolves nuzzled his sides. Their fur was soft, and soothing. .Then the gray wolf came back. Following him were Simba and the others. The female wolves helped James walk to them. Simba asked, "James, are you okay?" "I'm okay. It's just that I've never heard wolves talk to me before." The tan-furred wolf said, "I don't think we introduced ourselves yet. I'm Kate. The gray-furred wolf said, "I'm Humphrey." The white-furred wolf said, "I'm Lilly." "I'm Garth." said the red-furred wolf. Humphrey said, "We're the leaders of the pack. I'm married to Kate." Lilly said, "I'm married to Garth." "I'm James and these are my friends." said James. He firmly shook their paws. James asked, "How did you become the leaders, guys?" Garth said, "Gather around." "We'll tell you how it happened."

Chapter 3: Learning

Kate, Humphrey, Garth, and Lilly wete telling their love story about how Kate and Garth almost married each other, how Kate and Humphrey ended up in Idaho, how they traveled back to Canada, and even how their love was realized at the end. Simba asked, "So, were wolves only able to marry those in the same rank as they are, or could they marry those who were of other ranks?" Kate replied, "Originally, there was a rule between Alphas and Omegas. We could only talk, but not work together. After I admitted my feelings for Humphrey, and he admitted his feelings for me, Alphas and Omegas could socialize together, and even work together." "To unite the Eastern and Western packs, Garth and I married." said Lilly. Tantor said, "Wow. You have gone through a lot to find true love." "Yeah. It was a long journey." "Anyway, it's time to hunt again." said Garth. The wolves howled. James said, "Go ahead. We'll wait here." The wolves left. James looked at Simba and the others. They were all covered in bandages. "Thanks for helping them, Genie." James said to Genie. "No problem." They all looked outside the den. There were wolves everywhere. There were many Alphas and many Omegas. "This seems like the greatest adventure I've ever been on." said James. In fact, it was. Talking wolves, a rescue, a vacation in Canada, it was all one big adventure. Then they slept.

Chapter 4: The Next Day

The next morning, James and the others were greeted by Humphrey and Kate. Garth and Lilly were out hunting. They introduced Kate's parents, Winston and Eve. Eve said, "So, you must be the newcomers we heard about." Simba replied, "Yeah. We're the newcomers." After a little talk with them, they all went out to find Garth and Lilly. They found them cleaning themselves near the river.

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