Sunday, February 6, 2011

What Goes Around

It was closing time at the new children's zoo. "Ah, closing time. It always comes around. Is there anything better than this time of the day?" said Skipper. Soon, they heard a shout from a girl who lost her doll. They tried to toss it to her, but it fell into the sewer. They tried figuring out how to help the girl. "That doll could be anywhere in the New Orleans sewer system." said Kowalski. "What about a replacement?" suggested Tiana. "Where would we even find a exact duplicate?" asked Kowalski. "Rico's doll is an exact match." said James. "I'll get my mother's sewing machine." said Tiana. "I'll get the glitter glue." said Kowalski. "I'll get the cloth." James said, running off like the others. They went and placed the doll in front of the door and left. An animal control officer, Officer X was out to catch the team after they foiled his attempt to catch a stray cat named Max. They escaped by taking the sewer. When they tried to defeat him by pouring raw sewage on him, the original missing doll was found. Officer X was arrested after he went on a rampage after losing the penguins. Everyone was proud that they had learned an important lesson. "When you do a little good, good comes back to you." "Well, you know what they say. What Goes Around comes around."

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